2022, Vol. 3, Issue 2, Part A
Effect of data compression on computer networks performance
Author(s): Angham Khalid Hussein
Abstract: In this paper a study and analysis of data compression schemes effect on network transmission and performance are applied using mat lab programming tool and Cisco packet tracer network simulator software is used for design of a network and measure the different performance metrics before and after compression. A two data compression method Huffman and RSA used on the transmitted data file and the effect of these method on file size and the consumed time to transmit this file taking into account the time required to compress the file.
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Pages: 24-28 | Views: 877 | Downloads: 465
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How to cite this article:
Angham Khalid Hussein. Effect of data compression on computer networks performance. Int J Electr Data Commun 2022;3(2):24-28.